KB Article #181405

[B2BI] Issue and its resolution for AS2 connection Error#2


-Interrupted: com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.transport.UnableToConnectException: Error connecting to HTTP server <URL>/<Port> via DMZ node proxy, timeout=30s (30,000ms); com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.transport.UnableToConnectException: Error connecting securely to <URL>/<Port>; java.security.GeneralSecurityException: Unable to create a valid SSL session


1. First Resolution

check both Partner Delivery(PD) and Trading Pickup(TP)

---if the partner is using HTTP then both PD and TP should have HTTP Url configured

---if the partner is using HTTPS then both PD and TP should have HTTPS Url configured

2. Second Resolution

In the case of HTTPS, check the certificate imported at the Partner's profile

---Certificate should be trusted for SSL


Go to partner --> Add certificate (in cert tab) --> Import cert --> Next --> select checkbox for "Trust this SSL"

3.Third Resolution

if you still get this error, go to the collaboration setting

---Change collaboration setting --> select community --> select partner --> Add

Select the appropriate options given as change all parameters according to the sheet provided by partners