KB Article #181523

Console Reply for Copilot after entering a wrong password - TSS7150A SPECIFY PASSWORD​


Console Reply for Copilot after entering a wrong password

TSS7100E ...... - Incorrect Password

Copilot is blocked and do not accept any new logon until the Reply is answered at the console.


This is related to the TSS facility set for the Copilot STC.

Solution: change in the facility for the Copilot STC so we do not have a reply in case of unknown user or wrong password.

For TSS it is related to the MASTFAC attribute.

The TSS7150A is issued when a user trying to signon to the application enters the wrong password. In this case the started task acid needs a MASTFAC added to it pointing to the facility you want used for the application:

TSS ADD(stcacid) MASTFAC(facname)

The 'facname' should be the name of the facility they want associated with the started task. This facility will then need to be added to the users that signon, an attached profile, or the ALL record if everyone should be allowed access (TSS ADD(acid) FAC(facname).)

You can either setup your own facility (rename a USERnn facility currently not being used) or use an existing facility.

You will need to recycle the started task to pick up the MASTFAC.


Copilot manages the Return Code on the password control, so do not manage it by TSS but let TSS return to Copilot with the corresponding RC.
