KB Article #181661

Files are not detected by Zeke scheduler


Files are not detected by Zeke scheduler

Zeke looks for SMF record type 15 to detect dataset creation in order to trigger Zeke events.

Zeke can be set to look after the record type 15 for the dataset DISP expecting x'C0', x'80', or x'40' for NEW, MOD or OLD

Files transferred by CFT display always value x'48' for the disp that is OLD + SHARE


Transfer CFT is always doing the files allocation using both the OLD and SHARE and this explain the value x'48' for the DISP value in the type 15 record of SMF.

Attention: Scheduling or automated operations packages can result in attempts to process incomplete or empty files when use along a file transfer application.

Scheduling packages, such as CA-7, ZEKE, or CONTROL-M and certain automated operations packages, such as CONTROL-O, are often set to start jobs upon a file's closure and an SMF record being cut or based upon specific messages appearing on the system console.

When using Transfer CFT for z/OS, this method of starting jobs can result in attempts to process incomplete or empty files.

This situation can occur when the file transfer application is doing multiple Open/Close, when an active transfer is interrupted and must be restarted.

In that case, the receiving file will be closed, but upon Process restart it will be written to by Transfer CFT.

To prevent erroneous processing by such packages, use the scheduling or automation package's provided program (U7SVC, ZEKENDM, CTM@IF10) in an End Of Transfer procedure (exec=) to trigger a batch or a command execution.