KB Article #181699

SERVER LOGS: Writing the Audit Log to a flat file


How to have the same information written to the audit.log file that is available in the Audmin UI's Audit Log page? There seems to be more details in the Admin UI vs the file on the disk.


The Audit Log file on the file system is located under <FILEDRIVEHOME>/var/logs/admin/audit.log and by default, this log file does not store all events available in the Audit Log page in the Admin UI. The steps below describe how to configure the logging so the audit.log file contains same information.

Backup the admin-log4j.xml file located under <FILEDRIVEHOME>/conf

Add the following appender reference line

<AppenderRef ref="AuditLogFileAppender"/>

to the special AUDIT logger, like below:

<!-- special AUDIT logger -->
<Logger additivity="false" level="ALL" name="AUDIT">
    <AppenderRef ref="AuditLogAppender"/>
    <AppenderRef ref="AuditLogFileAppender"/>
    <!--<AppenderRef ref="Stdout" />-->
    <!--<AppenderRef ref="Stderr" />-->

Restart the Admin service:
