KB Article #182351

RESTAPI: Update an Account's password with API v2.0 PATCH method


How to update an account with a local password in SecureTrasnport 5.5 with the APIv2.0 PATCH method?


You can update the password of the account using similar to the below cURL request:

curl -k -u ADMINUSER:ADMINPASS -X 'PATCH' 'https://HOSTNAME:ADMINPORT/api/v2.0/accounts/ACCOUNT_NAME?ownershipChangeMode=none' -H 'accept: */*' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/user/passwordCredentials/password",
        "value": "NEW_PASSWORD"
        "op": "replace",
        "path": "/user/passwordCredentials/passwordDigest",
        "value": null

In the above command replace:

ADMINUSER:ADMINPASS with the proper admin credentials (i.e. admin:admin)

HOSTNAME with the hotname or IP of SecureTransport

ADMINPORT with the port, on which the ST's admin service runs on

ACCOUNT_NAME the name of the account that will be updated

NEW_PASSWORD the new account password in plain text