KB Article #182807

RESTAPI: Using PATCH method for a disabled account


When using the PATCH method on an account which is disabled, with the following request body:

    "op": "replace",
    "path": "/disabled",
    "value": "false"

and if the Setup → Adhoc Settings → Global Adhoc Settings have the Default implicit enrollment type option set to anything else than "Selected by sender", the PATCH request fails with the following response:

    "message": "Error validating request",
    "validationErrors": [ "Implicit enrollment type is not allowed" ],
    "docLink": "https://ST_IP_OR_HOSTNAME:ADMIN_PORT/api/v2.0/docs/index.html"

This behavior is reproducible with both the Swagger UI and with a REST client (i.e. cURL).


The expected product behavior is for the PATCH call to go through without an issue, regardless of the Default implicit enrollment type configuration. At the current state, however, this is not the case.

Until a fix is available in an upcoming SecureTransport update, the Setup → Adhoc Settings → Global Adhoc Settings should be configured with the Default implicit enrollment type option set to "Selected by sender", in order for the PATCH call to succeed.