KB Article #183162

How to renew Axway default PassPort tomcat certificate in B2Bi?


Default PassPort tomcat certificate will expire on 14th March 2024: https://support.axway.com/kb/183062/language/en

If B2Bi product is using PassPort AM as user management solution and the default certificates delivered by Axway are used, the following Integrator components could be affected:

  • B2Bi client login
  • IntegrationServices login (deploy)
  • Datamapper deploy + simulation from MappingServices
  • DML deploy from MappingServices


Both B2Bi and PassPort tomcat certificates must be updated and synchronised.

Tomcat certificate is in fact the keystore.jks located on Integrator component, therefore there is no change to perform on Interchange side.

  1. Renew the PassPort certificates as described in this article: https://support.axway.com/kb/183062/language/en
  2. Stop B2Bi
  3. Backup the file <B2Bi_installation_dir>/Integrator/extras/PassPort/keystore.jks (move the file in another place on the system outside B2Bi installation directory)
  4. Rename tomcat.jks from the attached archive into keystore.jks
  5. Replace <B2Bi_installation_dir>/Integrator/extras/PassPort/keystore.jks with the new keystore.jks obtained at step 4
  6. Start B2Bi
  7. Login in B2Bi client -> B2Bi System Management to check if the connection is successfully

Please try these steps in test / dev environment before applying them into Production.