KB Article #185310

KPS backup with kpsadmin in the EMT mode


Running kpsadmin in EMT (container) mode differs slightly from the non-container mode. Below is a procedure to create a KPS backup when running on EMT mode.


1. Exec into the Admin node manager container and cd to "/opt/Axway/apigateway/posix/bin/", and execute ./kpsadmin

Note: kpsadmin needs to be run from an Admin node manager container

2. Authenticate with Admin node manager credentials.

3. Select option 21 to back up all under "Collection administration" or 26 Backup All under "Group Administration"

4. Select the API Gateway group

5. Select any of the gateways in the list and remember the selection. It is recommended to select the "apimgr" instance.

6. If the option to back up all under "Collection administration" Select the API Portal Collection.

7. Once the backup is completed, the backup files will be stored in the pod selected in the 3.3 step. It is also important to note the Backup uuid.

8. Copy the backup files from the pod in step 3.3. The files are stored in the following directory: /opt/Axway/apigateway/groups/emt-group/emt-service/conf/kps/backup

For Kubernetes this can be done with the kubectl command: kubectl cp /-apigateway-apimgr-:/opt/Axway/apigateway/groups/emt-group/emt-service/conf/kps/backup backup/

Example: kubectl cp emt/axwayemt-apigateway-apimgr-7f88985598-dsn6b:/opt/Axway/apigateway/groups/emt-group/emt-service/conf/kps/backup backup/