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KB Article #187180

Apache Cassandra backup (apigw-backup-tool) fails


The apigw-backup-tool fails with one of the following errors:

[INFO] Checking configuration
[ERROR] Wrong configuration for Nodetool, check axway-cassandra-backup.ini
[INFO] Checking configuration
[ERROR] nodetool: Failed to connect to 'IP:PORT' - URISyntaxException: 'Malformed IPv6 address at index 7: rmi://[IP]:PORT'.
[INFO] Checking configuration
[ERROR] Cassandra is not running


  • Set the nodetool_ip property in the config file (/apigateway_installation/tools/apigw-backup-tool/conf) as: 'nodetool_ip = ::FFFF:'
  • Run again the backup command.

The "nodetool_ip" is a new property added in case users need to set a spefic ip to avoid the ssl connection issue due to the cassandra and java version used.