KB Article #63043

the behaviour of restartingg copsproc.exe eat too much CPU


the copilot process copsproc.exe is restarting regularly. We found this with the monitoring of the server. Is this normal behaviour? It happens very regularly, about each 30s. For us, this is useless.


Actually this is a normal behaiviour.

Copilot has to be able to cope with multiple connections from multiple users. Sometime the users rights/permissions have to be maintained over the connection. And all these should be realized for multiple plateforms under a similar product''s achitecture. So the choice of copilot conception is to cope only one connection by one copsproc process. This means the multiple copsproc process should be able to be started and of course, like all network applications, it should be protected by a timer.

This mechanism is defined by several uconf parameters:
copilot.misc.childprocesstimeout = 20          timeout protector, in second
copilot.misc.minnbprocessready = 1             min nb of copsporc process
copilot.misc.nbprocesstostart = 1                  nb of copsproc process by lot to be (re)started (when there are less than minnbprocessready)
copilot.misc.maxnbprocess = 20                   max nb of copsporc process

The customer could increase the timeout but could not set it to infinite. But if it''s too long, the product could seem "freezen" when there is some environment error, because in some cases it would be able to react only after timeout.