KB Article #68944

Is CFT/400 compliant with Adopted Authority?


Is CFT/400 compliant with Adopted Authority ?

iSeries - Need "observable" version of programs to execute CFT sends


No, until 2.4.1 SP11 it is not compliant.
An enhancement request has been raised and Adopted Authority compliancy may become available in a future product release.

Some more explication:

Adopted Authority allows a user to acquire authority to objects beyond what is granted by *PUBLIC and private authorities. As an example, suppose a user should normally be restricted from payroll files, but to perform his job, the user must be able to run a payroll report. Adopted authority allows the user to acquire enough authority to read the file for the purpose of the payroll report without granting the user any authority to the file outside of the program that runs the report.

Adopted Authority adds the authorities of another user to those of the user running the program