KB Article #72781

Remedy to restart CFT


- when I attempt to shutdown and restart CFT, it fails to restart


* there is only one way to bring CFT down gracefully. For a UNIX/Linux system the CFT shutdown is as follows:

cftutil shut fast=yes

* if CFT is not given that graceful shutdown command then unpleasant things can happen. Such as CFT getting hung in a zombie process. Or its catalog getting corrupted.

*if you do need to restart an instance of CFT which was incorrectly stopped, here is the remedy.

* the remedy *must* proceed in the following order:

1. Run the "cftstop -kill" command.

2. At the command line prompt run "ipcs | grep [UserName]" (that is, grep for whichever user runs CFT)

3. Based upon the results of the ipcs output, you must use the ipcrm command to kill the zombie "Shared Memory Segments", "Semaphore Arrays", and "Message Queues" processes.

ipcrm -m 10
ipcrm -s 20
ipcrm -q 30

4. Locate and delete the orphaned "S_TCP" file. When CFT is gracefully shutdown, CFT will always delete this S_TCP file. But if an orphaned S_TCP file exists, that will cause the next attempt to start CFT to abort, because with the presence of that file CFT thinks an instance of itself is already running.

* in an instance of CFT on UNIX/Linux, the S_TCP file should be located in the following directory:

/[install path]/Synchrony/Transfer_CFT/runtime/data