Implementation > Monitoring services > Monitoring services for Gateway exchanges > Configuration tasks > Creating Axway Server for Sentinel

Creating an Axway Server to represent Sentinel

About the Sentinel Axway Server



About the Sentinel Axway Server

This Axway Server object specifies the machine, protocols and access mechanisms that enable a Sentinel server application to communicate with another application on the network.

In this procedure we create an Axway Server object that represents an instance of Sentinel Server that is installed on your network. This enables you to send the Sentinel object definitions that you manage in Composer to a specific Sentinel Server instance.


Before you create the Axway Server object, you must create:


  1. In the Composer Topography workbench, select New > topography > Configure new Axway Server... from the File menu.
  2. Composer opens the Axway Server properties window.
  3. Complete the General tab.
  4. On the Communication tab, add the TCP CommNetwork created previously.
  5. Complete the Sentinel Parameters tab.
  6. Check, save and close the Axway Server object.

After you create the Sentinel Axway Server object

Create a Sentinel CommAdapter.

See Adding a Sentinel CommAdapter for the Sentinel Axway Server