Implementation > Electronic Signature > Controlling Electronic Signature

Controlling Electronic Signature

Command scripts

The bin directory contains several commands, including:

Command name (.bat or .sh) Description

Launch Electronic Signature

The command will not return until the process is ended.

esStop Stop Electronic Signature
esStatus Check if Electronic Signature is started or not.
esObfKSPassword Used to encrypt the keystore and certificate passwords for the SSL connection
adminClient Used for administration of the embedded EBICS Client
config or config.bat Configuration script for integration with Gateway and Sentinel
profile Used to define the Java parameters

Used to change the setting of the Master Agent Certificate password.

Limitation: The encryptor only supports strings without space characters. If a string that contains a space character is provided, only the first part is encrypted or decrypted.

migrationTool Tool used to migrate from earlier version of EBICS Client (refer to the Migration section of this guide)

Note that you must start the Electronic Signature product in order to use the embedded EBICS Client and to allow administration or transfers.

Starting Electronic Signature

On Windows

From the Windows Start menu, select Start Electronic Signature.

Alternatively, double-click the Start Electronic Signature icon on your desktop.


Run the script located in the <ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.

Connecting to the Electronic Signature UI

  1. From the Windows Start menu, select Electronic Signature UI.
  2. The Electronic Signature UI opens.
  3. Log in as administrator.

For information about administration tasks, such as creating users or rules, refer to the Axway Electronic Signature User's Guide.

Stopping Electronic Signature

On Windows

Run the script esStop.bat located in the <ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_INSTALL_DIR>\bin directory.


Run the script located in the <ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.

If for any reason this does not function, use -f. This will kill the server process.

Checking the Electronic Signature status

On Windows

Run the script esStatus.bat located in the <ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_INSTALL_DIR>\bin directory.


Run the script located in the <ELECTRONIC_SIGNATURE_INSTALL_DIR>/bin directory.

Installing (or removing) the Electronic Signature Windows service

To install the Electronic Signature Windows service, run the script:

To remove the Electronic Signature Windows service, run the script:

Starting and stopping Electronic Signature in Windows service mode

If, during installation, Electronic Signature was installed as a Windows service, you can start and stop the Electronic Signature Server as follows.

Starting Electronic Signature

  1. From the Windows Start menu , select Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Windows displays the Services window.
  3. Scroll down the Services list and right-click the ElectronicSignature service.
  4. From the context menu, select Start.

Alternatively, run the script <InstallationDir>/service/startElectronicSignature.bat.

Stopping Electronic Signature

  1. From the Windows Start menu , select Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.
  2. Windows displays the Services window.
  3. Scroll down the Services list and right-click the ElectronicSignature service.
  4. From the context menu, select Stop.

Alternatively, run the script <InstallationDir>/service/stopElectronicSignature.bat.

Related topics

Overview of Axway Electronic Signature

Configuring Electronic Signature

Purging payments in Electronic Signature