Installation and prerequisites > TARGET2 > Installing the TARGET2 package to Gateway

Installing the TARGET2 package to Gateway

Locating the package

The files you require to configure Axway Gateway for TARGET2 are contained in the Axway Financial Exchange TARGET2 package. This package is included in the FEX installation package. Alternatively you can request a copy of the package from your Axway representative.

Packages are available for the following platforms:

Installing the package

  1. Check the TARGET2 package installation prerequisites.
  2. From the FEX installation package, copy the compressed file contained in the directory:
  3. On the machine that supports Gateway, uncompress the file to the Gateway installation directory.
    If you prefer, you can unpack the package in another location without additional configuration.
  4. After uncompressing the file you obtain the following subdirectories:
  5. Subdirectory Content
    scripts QT2 UNIX or Windows scripts
    tg2 XSL stylesheets for XML message processing
    tmp Repository for temporary files created during QT2 processing
    tools Binaries and libraries (Xalan, gzip, base64)
    xml Sample XML payloads used in the Simulation Mode
    objExports Template Gateway objects for the QT2 pack
  6. In the FEX installation package, go to the directory:
    \Software\QT2\qt2_<version>_<OS>\Patches and install the patch for your platform.

Directory structure

After you unpack the package, the qt2 folder should contain the following sub-folders and files:

Subfolder or file Description


  • Scripts for creating the required Target2 objects in Gateway
  • cl_delobjCRISTAL (contains command line to delete objects)
  • cl_objCRISTAL (contains command line to create objects)


This folder is empty before installing a patch or a service pack. While installing a patch it may contain all files that relate to the delivered patch, as well as a subdirectory backup:

  • backup
  • log.txt
  • archive:
  • signature: xxx-QT2-103-SP-2.md5
  • text: xxx-QT2-103-SP-2.txt


  • tg2msg (processing scripts for the SSP messages)
  • tg2file (processing scripts for SSP messages)
  • ssp_pull_s (SSP simulation script)


xslt transformation sheets for the XML message processing:

  • tg2code.xsl
  • tg2copy.xsl
  • tg2retry.xsl
  • tg2strip.xsl


  • sample.trace
  • Repository for temporary files created during QT2 processing
  • Location of the trace files (Location of generated trace files)


Binaries and libraries (aupdate, Xalan, gzip, base64…)


Sample XML payloads used in the Simulation Mode


Text file containing the version information


QT2 configuration file

Attributing UNIX execution rights

On UNIX platforms, you must give execution rights to the QT2 folder and its contents so that the scripts can be executed. Run the following command:

chmod -Rf u+x *…

For information about TARGET2 and how to use it, refer to the TARGET2 book of this documentation.

Related topics

Installation overview

Introduction to TARGET2 implementation