Installation and prerequisites > Installation overview

Installation overview

FEX installation package contents

FEX add-ons

Installation sequence

To install Axway Financial Exchange you require:

FEX installation package contents

The FEX installation package contains:

FEX add-ons

The FEX add-ons supplement and extend the basic set of functions provided by the Axway products. You need to import the add-ons that support your specific financial exchange requirements.

Important: Before you can install the add-ons from the FEX installation package you must install the Axway products that support your specific use case.

Composer add-ons

The FEX installation package contains the following categories of add-ons that are available for import and use in Composer:

Integrator Server add-ons

The FEX installation package contains the following add-ons which are available for import and use on Integrator Servers:

Gateway add-ons

To implement TARGET2 payment system exchanges with Axway Financial Exchange, import the dedicated set of elements from the FEX installation package to Gateway.

Installation sequence

  1. Determine which products you need to install.
    For details about the products you require for each FEX use case, refer to the FEX use cases part of this documentation.
  2. Check the prerequisites.
  3. Install all required Axway products.
  4. Install all required FEX products.
  5. Install all required FEX add-ons.

Related topics

Axway Financial Exchange implementation checklist

FEX use cases

Composer add-ons

Integrator Server add-ons

Installing the TARGET2 package to Gateway