Installation and prerequisites > FEX Add-ons > Integrator Server add-ons

Integrator Server add-ons


Java Message Components (JMCs)

The FEX installation package incudes the following add-ons which are available for import and use on Integrator Servers.


In Integrator, a Custom-Function is a specialized function that extends the standard set of functions that Integrator uses to handle messages. A Custom-Function is generally called from the sequence of processing events described by an Integration-Process.

A Custom-Function must reside on the instance of the Integrator Server that will execute the function.

The FEX installation package incudes a set of Custom-Functions that provide processing for the handling of financial exchange messages.

For additional information about Custom-Functions, refer to the Integrator Enabler online documentation.

Java Custom-Functions

This version of Axway Financial Exchange includes Java Custom-Functions for Integrator. These Custom-Functions are used inside the check constraints of each Business Document (SWIFT-FIN, SWIFT-XML, and so on).

The Java Custom-Functions replace the C Custom-Functions delivered with previous versions of FEX. With the introduction of Java Custom-Functions, you can directly use the XML files and JAR files provided in the delivery without recompilation.

List of Custom-Functions delivered in the FEX installation package

Function name Description Example
checkDigit Compute the check digits checkDigit


Convert text containing HEX code to ASCII characters


This example returns 'AB'

isKeyBic Check that the BIC is defined inside the Repository
swCheckBic2 Check that the BIC is a BEI (Business Entity Identifier)


Add, Delete or Update a BIC code and the SubType


This example Adds BANKFRUUXXX with subtype CORP into the repository.


This example Deletes BANKFRUUCHA with subtype CORP from the repository.

You import these Custom-Functions from the FEX installation package. For details, refer to Importing Custom-Functions to Composer.

For some Custom-Functions you must set up a link between the Custom-Function and the required database storage. For more information, refer to Using Custom-Functions.

Java Message Components (JMCs)

A Java Message Component (JMC) is a utility program, written in Java language, that resides on the Integrator Server. JMCs add custom functionality to the standard set of Integrator services.

Related topics

Importing Custom-Functions to Composer

Using Custom-Functions

Composer add-ons

Installation overview