Migration > Migrating EBICS Server

Migrating EBICS Server

Before migrating

Migrating to a version supported by Axway Installer

Before migrating

Before migrating EBICS Server, perform the following steps:

  1. Back up all your files and data.
  2. Refer to the following table to determine whether you need to upgrade the installed Axway products.
  3. EBICS Server Synchrony platform Need to upgrade products?
    Earlier than version 2.5.0 Synchrony 4.2 Yes
    Version 2.5.x Synchrony 4.3 No
    Version 2.6.0 Synchrony 4.4 No
    Version 2.7.0 Synchrony 4.4 No
    Version 2.8.0 Synchrony 4.4 Yes
    Version 2.8.1 Synchrony 4.5 No
  4. The table shows the Synchrony platform version used for different versions of FEX and whether you need to upgrade the installed Axway products to the versions as listed in Installation prerequisites.
  5. If you need to upgrade the Axway products, install all upgrade packs available from the Axway Support website.
    Attention: This is mandatory for PassPort. For details about upgrading, refer to the Axway 5 Suite Upgrade Guide or the product's installation guide.
  6. Install all Axway product patches available from the Axway Support website.
  7. Verify that you have a communication link between Composer and the Integrator Server. This is necessary because during the migration procedures you execute Send to Production and Back to Design commands in Composer on certain objects.

Migrating EBICS Server 2.8.0 SP1 to 2.8.1 using the Installer


EBICS Server 2.8.0 SP1 must already be installed.


  1. Stop EBICS Server.
  2. Back up the existing installation folder.
  3. Back up any customizations made on your current version (exits, configurations, scripts, data store and data dir locations, supplier directory locations, and so on). If you are using JBoss, keep all your JBoss customizations as a new JBoss will be installed. You will need to redo all these changes in the new installation.
  4. Backup the database.
  5. Enter one of the following commands to run Axway Installer in Update mode:
  6. In the Updates management screen, select the EBICS Server component to update and click on the Add Updates button.
  7. The Open dialog is displayed.
  8. Select the downloaded service pack and click Open.
  9. The selected update is added to the list in green.
  10. Click the Next button, review the pack you want to install and then click Update to begin installing.
  11. Review and click OK to exit the installer.
  12. After the installation, restore all your customizations in the new file system structure of the freshly installed product.
  13. Update the configuration files as described below in "Updating configuration files" section.

Updating configuration files

This section describes some updates in the configuration files of the Injector and Supplier tools. After installing the Upgrade Pack you should check, and if necessary update, the following properties:

Key renaming

This part describes the existing properties that have been renamed.

Injector: parameters.properties

old key : general.encoding.type

new key: security.encoding.type

old key: ebics.server.usepassport

new key: ebics.server.usePassportAM

New properties

This part describes the new properties.

Supplier: supply.properties

#Defines the port number for the SupplierController


#Activates/Deactivates the SupplierController


Server: configuration.properties

#Hide/Unhide Ebics Server version displayed in https://serverurl:port/ebics/EbicsServlet


Migrating to a version supported by Axway Installer

From version 2.8.0, the Axway Installer is provided. This Installer uses a wizard for easily installing and configuring various products. It also automatically applies patches, service and upgrade packs.

Since the Installer requires that the file system be organized in a specific way for each product it manages, any previous manual installation is not supported by the Installer. It is, therefore, strongly recommended to perform a fresh installation of the binaries with the Axway Installer by reusing your existing database. There is no need to reset the database.

The following steps will guide you through the migration process to an Installer supported version.

  1. If you are using a version older than 2.8.0, remove the following database indexes:
  2. Index name Table name Column(s) indexed
  3. On MySQL, in the customerUserAccountDateState table, ensure that the column type of SIZETOFETCH is BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL. If not, change it with the following command: "ALTER TABLE CUSTOMERUSERACCOUNTDATESTATE CHANGE COLUMN SIZETOFETCH SIZETOFETCH BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL;".
  4. Ensure that your database configuration meets the requirements described in the Installation and Prerequisites Guide of the Axway Installer.
  5. Back up any customizations made on your current version (exits, configurations, scripts, data store and data dir locations, supplier directory locations, and so on). If you are using JBoss, keep all your JBoss customizations as a new JBoss will be installed. You will need to redo all these changes in the new installation.
  6. Start the Installer. From version 2.8.0 a license key is required to install the EBICS Server. Contact your Axway Account Manager if you do not have one.
  7. Follow the on-screen steps and modify the parameters accordingly till you reach the Database type screen.
  8. Select your database management system and click Next.
  9. On the Database options screen, ensure that:
  10. On the MySQL setup or Oracle setup screen (depending of your previous choice), specify all the information about the existing database you want to re-use then click Next. If the following error message is displayed: Your database does not meet the prerequisites as defined in the Installation and Prerequisites Guide, please refer to the related documentation of the Axway Installer which will explain how to perform some additional modification on your database configuration and then restart the Axway Installer.
  11. On the Scripts screen, select Generate scripts only then click Next.
  12. Follow the instructions and set the remaining parameters to as required.
  13. After the installation, restore all your customizations in the new file system structure of the freshly installed product.
  14. The new structure is as follows:
  15. Location Description
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/JBossServer Only if you are using JBoss
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/Supplier The Supplier tools
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/data/conf Ebics Server configuration files. In case of JBoss, the configuration used is located under <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/JBossServer/server/bankrechner/conf.
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/data/deploy Only if you are using WebSphere or WebLogic. This folder contains the EAR to deploy in your Application Server.
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/API EBICS Server API
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/Encryptor The Encryptor Tool
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/Purge The Purge Tool
    <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/Injector The Injector Tool
  16. Remember to update the configuration.properties file (and also the wrapper.conf if you are using JBoss).
  17. If you are using WebSphere or WebLogic, deploy the EAR file located in <INSTALL_DIR>/EbicsServer/data/deploy according to Deploying the EAR file

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