Migration > Migrating FEX

Migrating FEX


Before you migrate

Upgrading Axway products

Migrating EBICS

Migrating Electronic Signature

Migrating FEX add-on elements

Configuration elements


An Axway Financial Exchange implementation is composed of two principal sets of elements:

When you migrate from Financial Exchange version 2.4, 2.5.1 or 2.6.1 to version 2.9.0 you must update both of these sets of elements.

Before you migrate

Upgrading Axway products

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Migrating EBICS

The EBICS implementation of FEX is composed of several parts:

In addition, the EBICS Server may be used in conjunction with the PassPort product.

In order to properly upgrade FEX for EBICS to version 2.9.0, you must upgrade all of these elements.

EBICS Server

View topic

EBICS Client

EBICS Client is now fully integrated into Electronic Signature. This new version is able to handle EBICS T as well as EBICS TS protocols. You can migrate from EBICS Client to Electronic Signature 2.9.

View topic

Migrating Electronic Signature

You can migrate from Electronic Signature 2.7 to Electronic Signature 2.9.

View topic

Migrating FEX add-on elements


In Integrator, the Business-Document object serves as a container for message content. When the format of the standardized message changes, the structure of the Business-Document must also change.

Some of the standard formats of messages that are exchanged between financial exchange partners have changed between release versions of FEX. In many cases, new messages have been added to repositories to respond to evolutions of standards and services. For this reason you must update message repositories to newer versions.

For example, you may want to update a library from a previous version.

View Business-Document repository update procedure

Message validation Integration-Process

In Integrator, Integration-Processes describe sequences of message-processing events on an Integration Server.

For FEX you must migrate the Integration-Process which defines processing for the validation of messages and recycling of invalid messages.

For message recycling for Financial Exchange, Integrator requires a set of Integration-Processes / Integration-Tasks / Channels for each category of SWIFTNet message that you expect to recycle.

From Financial Exchange 2.2 onwards, message recycling operates dynamically:

  1. Integrator identifies the message type from the XML envelope of the message.
  2. A routing Integration-Process launches the required Map-Stage from the set of recycling Map-Stages delivered in the FEX installation package.
  3. The Map-Stages and Business-Documents are referenced via an internal table available in the SWIFT_DATA data folder and named Dynamic_Identification.


The FEX installation package includes Custom-Functions that are used by Integrator when parsing messages to Business-Documents to check messages for compliance with SWIFT Network Validation Rules.

The Custom-Functions have been modified since the last FEX version and no longer use the same libraries. For this reason you must upgrade the Custom-Functions before using them with FEX Business-Documents.

View Custom-Function migration procedure

SWIFTNet Portal message repositories

During the message recycling process, SWIFTNet Portal requires a set of descriptions of the structure of each message type it will recycle. These repositories must be updated to take into account any modifications in the standards definitions of message structures.

To update the document type repositories on SWIFTNet Portal, refer to the SWIFTNet Portal Migration Guide.

Configuration elements

Support for TARGET2 SSP evolutions

From version 2.4, the TARGET2 SSP supports concurrent versions of schema files supplied by the following two Cash Management standards releases: CAMT version 3.0 – former version CAMT version 4.0 – updated November 2008 release version.

For full Axway Financial Exchange support of TARGET2 V2.4 (CAMT V3.0 and CAMT V4.0 messages), you must install FEX for TARGET2 on Gateway.

This service pack is delivered in the FEX installation package. It is labeled:


This service pack is available for the following machine types:

All service packs are also available from the Axway Support website.