KB Article #162207

Basic steps to create server initiated transfer (SIT). Transfer Site and Subscription configuration


Basic steps to create server initiated transfer (SIT). Transfer Site and Subscription configuration


1. Create a Transfer Site under a chosen account

1.1 Site Name could be anything

1.2 Protocol - select SSH or FTP, depending on the remote server and setup requirements.

1.3 Provide remote server address and port in the respective fields

1.4 Download Folder - this is the path to the directory, where the files will be pulled from. This path is relative to the ST user's home directory.

   * Example: If the full system path to the folder is /userhomes/user/subfolder,
    where /userhomes/user is the home folder for the ST account, then the path
    in the Download Folder field will be /subfolder   

1.5 Upload Folder - this is the path to the directory, where the files will be uploaded to, if the Transfer Site will be used for file pushes. This path is relative to the home folder of the user account *on the remote server*. The same guidelines as for the Download Folder apply here.

1.6 Download pattern - this would allow to specify what type of file to be pulled. For all files, put *

1.7 Provide the remote server's credentials, which ST should use to connect.

       *the Post Transmission Actions (PTA) sub-section would allow to
    perform additional actions on the file *on the remote server* after a file
    was transferred - for example Delete Destination File.

1.8 Save the Transfer Site

2. Create a Subscription of type Basic Application under the chosen account, which would attach the automated action to the account and would make ST run it automatically. (If the application 'Basic Application' is not yet available, it can be created from the Applications page of the Admin UI.)

2.1 Subscription folder is the place where the files will be placed on ST during the automated action. The directory is auto-created under the current user's home folder if it doesn't exists beforehand.

2.2 Under the 'For Files Received from this Account or its Partners' section it can be configured which Transfer Site to pull the files from and to be set a schedule to make the action repeatable.

    * the Post Transmission Actions (PTA) sub-section would allow to perform additional actions on the file *within the subscription folder* after it was pulled.

2.3 The sites can be configured under the 'For Files Sent to this Account or its Partners' section, where the files should be sent to.

* the Post Transmission Actions (PTA) sub-section would allow to perform additional actions on the file *in the subscription folder* after it was pushed.

2.4 Save the Susbcription

--To trigger an automated push, a file in the subscription folder needs to be uploaded.

--To trigger an automated pull, a schedule has to be configured.