KB Article #163730

Change the TCP port of a Production Server


How to change the TCP port of a Production Server ?


Apply the following procedure:

1) Stop the Production Server
2) Update the TO_AGENT_PORT variable in the OPSchedule.ini configuration file of the Production Server
3) Update the Production Server port on the Modeling Server (through the Automator GUI)
4) Synchronize all the servers from the Modeling Server (through the Automator GUI, using the Management Console)
5) Restart the Production Server

Note that the new UDP ports will be automatically derived from the new TCP port.


Additional notes

a) In Automator 3.5, when trying to modify the port directly from the GUI, this procedure will be displayed in a pop-up window.

b) After applying the procedure, the following error messages may appear in the Production Server logs:

13/03/04 09:14:50 E (26307) 9.DoSynchronizeWithServer: Cannot updating the list of agents

13/03/04 09:14:51 E (26307) 9.AddUpdPsPort: Error: list not allocated?

They should not be taken into account: these are debug messages that will be removed in an upcoming fix, and do not reflect any dysfunction of the product.