KB Article #171067

Router Agent will not start


Using a custom *nix script for automating the Secure Relay Router Agent start and stop fails.


Starting SecureRelay router agent
        An unrecoverable error occured during SecureRelay router agent operation


Make sure that the custom script is calling the Router Agent's ./startSR.sh in the appropriate path.  It needs to be called relative to the /axway/dmzNode/xsr/bin/ directory (or wherever the Router Agent was deployed).


In attempting to use a script like this -


        # ---- Invoke the Profile ----

        . /installpath/axway/dmzNode/xsr/bin/profile.sh

        # ---- Start the Secure Relay ----



The script will fail to start indicating that it cannot find or read items needed for starting.  This is because the relative path is /usr/bin/ksh/ and not the /../../bin/ directory of the /installpath/axway/dmzNode/xsr/bin/.

This can be corrected by using something similar to:


        # ---- Change directory ----

       cd /installpath/axway/dmzNode/xsr/bin

        # ---- Call the profile.sh and startSR.sh ----


