KB Article #178997

Secure Relay Router Agent will not start


After creating and deploying the Router Agent it will not start due to an error. This error references not being able to read the file because it cannot access the password file.


Starting SecureRelay router agent
IAIK Security Provider selected
An unrecoverable error occured during SecureRelay router agent operation
com.axway.xsr.agent.AgentException: Couldn't access password file [\apps\Axway\dmzNode\xsr\conf\..\certs\XsrPwd.dat], cause: com.axway.xsr.agent.security.password.PasswordManagerException: Error reading file : com.axway.defence.crypto.exception.EncryptDataException: Unable to initialize the 'AES/CBC/PKCS5Padding' cipher to compute data


It may be easily resolved by copying over the /jre/ directory from Interchange and then update the Router Agent's /bin/profile script. Additionally the corrective action is listed in the Administration Guide. If using the host operating system's JRE, simply updating and installing the Unlimited Strength JCE Policy files into the operating systems /jre/ directory as instructed in the Administration Guide.