KB Article #171907

CFT PesIT SSL Compatibility with 3rd party product using OpenSSL v1.0.1 or higher


-Is CFT compatible with 3rd party product doing SSL PeSIT using OpenSSL V1.0.1
-What OpenSSL version is embeded with CFT


-CFT build is done with OpenSSL version 0.9.8e (on a RHEL 3 for Linux targets)
-OpenSSL V1.0.1 add support for TLSv1.2 and security re-negotiation but it maintains backward compatibility

-Compatibility is ensured as long as TLSv1.0 is used both side and SSL re-negotiation is turned off.
-CFT makes use of Open SSL for the encryption process, the SSL handshake and SSL negotiation is part of the CFT code itself.

-CFT up to version 3.1.3 SP0 does not support the SSL re-negotiation.
-SSL re-negotiation support will probably appear in a SP for CFT 3.1.3. (so future version at time of writing this article)