KB Article #172847
Working BinaryCollaboration sender RoutingId is not listed for PartyInfo, using first(default) PartyId value
When trading messages via ebMS, the following error occurs in the log, for sending messages as well as when receiving acknowledgements:
2013-04-11 15:54:09,109 - WARN [Worker23-259] (AbstractEbxmlCpaBuilder.validateTo:1259) - Working BinaryCollaboration receiver RoutingId X is not listed for PartyInfo Y, using first(default)
PartyId value
For ebMS transactions, the routing ID is composed by two parts - one is the actual routing ID, the other is the ebXML party ID type/cXML domain.
If the metadata of the message to be sent out contains only the routing ID, without the type, it will not match against what's defined in Interchange.
<Metadata name="From" type="string">232510151</Metadata>
This kind of metadata will produce the error message above.
In order to eliminate the error, the metadata must also contain the ebXML party type, like below. Then, no more warnings are received.
<Metadata name="From" type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebXML-cppa:partyid-type:duns">232510151</Metadata>