KB Article #174447

Turn off transport error related alerts in the UI


-- Transport errors in the UI -> Tasks and Alerts -> Pending Alerts needs to be turned off (e.g. error on 'SFTP' transport, error on 'HTTP' transport)

-- Editing the alerts.xml and removing Messaging.Transport eventtypes or setting 'Database enabled="false" ' did not have the wanted effect


In order to turn off those alerts in the UI:

  1. Login to Interchange web UI
  2. Change the URL in the browse address bar to http://<server>:6080/ui/core/SystemProperties and press enter.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the resulted web page and press 'Show default system properties'.
  4. Find the values:


    and press 'add property'.
  5. In the Name/Value columns change value to 'true'
  6. Press 'Save changes'.
  7. Restart Interchange service.

* Alerts will still be send to the database, they will just no longer display in the UI. It is recommended to undo above changes from time to time and clear the alerts from the database by clicking on them in the 'Pending Alerts' in the UI.