KB Article #175808

EBICS error with a partner: ebics_order_already_exist


--get EBICS error with a partner: ebics_order_already_exist


--Use the UCONF variable 'ebics.orderid.base' to shift forward the IDTU used to compute the EBICS Order ID

The Order EBICS is based on the IDTU, CFT will never propose to the partner an already existing one unless the CFT catalog has been re-created, this is where the UCONF parameter helps is offering the possibility to set a higher prefix for the EBICS IDTU.

The uconf parameter has been added after several cases were opened about the existing EBICS transfers. Usually, for testing purpose, the PSO set the EBICS parameters and do some testing, when OK, before leaving the customer site, the CFT catalog is re-initialized, then customer face the issue sending EBICS to the bank were track of previously used OrderID exist (because it is based on the IDTU from the CFT requester).
With CFT, IDTU is always based on the last known one but when the catalog is recreated, it restart from 0.