KB Article #175855

How Transfer CFT deal with equipment/software that do ports health-check and/or load ballancing


--CFTH66E Incoming calls (1) rejected, ERROR=ctx in use > max_trans
--Using a F5 or Alteon load ballancer
--doing heath-check on CFT ports


--ensure the gap in between each health-check is higher than DISCTD and RTO values
--change RTO and DISCTD values accordingly when needed
--ensure at least 2.7.1 SP9 / 3.0.1 SP6

Today, nothing exist in CFT to ‘better’ handle health checked ports.
It is an ongoing enhancement that will add more timer values/parameters in CFT.

When load balancing and health check apply to CFT ports, it is a good idea to get CFT upgraded to the above SP as some code changes fixed some side effect when dealing on the health-checks.

The equipment/software that do the health check can minimize the impact on the current CFT versions in closing the connection just after it has been established. (When CFT is in charge of closing the connection, it will be done only after the RTO has been exhausted).

On CFT side, setting the RTO and DISCTD in all defined protocol to a lower value than the health-check interval will help a lot.

In a near future, CFT will be enhanced with more timer parameter dedicated to deal with non applicative/MFT oriented connections.