KB Article #175908

Loading library error on Aix


exec(): 0509-036 Cannot load program ssh because of the following errors:

        0509-150   Dependent module /cft/cft/ACNtransfert/Transfer_CFT/home/lib/libcrypto.a(libcrypto.so.0.9.8) could not be loaded.

        0509-103   The module has an invalid magic number.


This is a particular issue occurring only on Aix OS for all types of programs, not only CFT: impossible to load separately 2 libraries of same name, even with separating path name.

Solution depends on customer's environment and on applications used around CFT.

Here 3 examples (none will resolve all types of situations)

- Using system command "env -i" to create a clean environment. This is recommended by IBM as the most appropriated solution for this issue.

- Separating 2 user accounts, one for each product.

-Using tool repackAXLib.sh delivered with CFT to merge libraries.