KB Article #179855

Error when upgrading from version 3.2.4 to 3.3.2 - failed to import PARM/PART


Upgrade Pack

AIX 6.1

SynchronyInstallManager.java:2316 ERROR ERR: failed to delete CFTPARM

SynchronyInstallManager.java:2316 ERROR ERR: failed to import PARM/PART


AIX 6.1 is not supported since April 30, 2017.

Transfer CFT v3.3.2 does not support AIX 6.1.

Please have a look to the Axway supported platforms (https://docs.axway.com/bundle/Axway_Products_SupportedPlatforms_allOS_en/raw/resource/enus/Axway_Products_SupportedPlatforms_allOS_en.pdf)