KB Article #176062

How to fetch data from some previous days


-- How to fetch data from some previous days or fetch already fetched data?


-- In Gateway Interchange, you have to add the following parameters to the fetch request:

Example: the following fetch request will retrieve all the files between 05/01/2014 and 05/15/2014:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <MessageMetadataDocument documentId="Fetch_xxx" protocol="generic">
    <Metadata name="From" type="string">CUSTID</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="To" type="string">BANKID</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="ebics.action" type="string">fetch</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="ebics.user.userId" type="string">USERID</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="ebics.orderType" type="string">FDL.camt.xxx.cfonb120.rep</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="ebics.fromDate" type="string">140501</Metadata>
    <Metadata name="ebics.toDate" type="string">140515</Metadata>