KB Article #176108

Unable to decode file using a SMIME key


--Using the CFT embedded Axway Trusted File Module version 3.7.0
--error messages when trying to decode a MIME encoded file

CFTTF -pcfg [CFT]/runtime/conf/tf/decfile_smime.xml -plain /tmp/filename.txt -envelope /tmp/filename.p7m

XPPTF000 Axway Trusted File Module version 3.7.0

>>> Error <<<


<XPP> Error #104: Unable to decode file.

        <SMAPI> Error #106: Error during MIME decoding.

XPPTF001 Axway Trusted File Module version 3.7.0 ended, completion code 0001.


-- For the current case, the error happens because the payload filename.p7m has not been correctly encrypted. The signature was made directly over a plain text file.

-- For S/MIME, TrustedFile expects a MIME envelope over the plain text, then a signature or encryption SMIME envelope.