KB Article #178157

Invalid CONNECT FPDU < Invalid length 93 for PI 99 into FPDU CONNECT >


Client log:

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY14I CTX=21000b PART=ODZUSIV_OUSIV_SSL SSL=SSLPRTC2 client session established CIPHER=47 AUTH=SERVER

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=21000b PDataRq() _ SENDING 53 APPLICATION DATA

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=21000b NDataI() _ 37 APPLICATION DATA RECEIVED FROM NETWORK

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=21000b PDataRq() _ SENDING 165 APPLICATION DATA

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=21000b NDataI() _ 37 APPLICATION DATA RECEIVED FROM NETWORK

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTH13E PART=ODZUSIV_ FPDU Remote reject DIAGI=720 DIAGP=RCO 318

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTT75E PART=ODZUSIV_ IDM=TEST IDT=I2910172 connect reject 720 RCO 318

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY11I CTX=21000b PART=ODZUSIV_OUSIV_SSL SSL=SSLPRTC2 Closing client SSL session

Server log:

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY20I PROT=PROTSSL0 SSL=SSLPRTS0 opening server session CTX=260b81 on task PID=19203

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY25I CTX=260b81 remote address HOST=

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY24I CTX=260b81 Server certificate ID=CFTRECSO ROOTID=SNCFSO

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY15I CTX=260b81 PROT=PROTSSL0 SSL=SSLPRTS0 server session established CIPHER=47 AUTH=SERVER

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=260b81 NDataI() _ 53 APPLICATION DATA RECEIVED FROM NETWORK

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY02Z >> CTX=260b81 NDataI() _ 165 APPLICATION DATA RECEIVED FROM NETWORK

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTH20E Invalid CONNECT FPDU < Invalid length 93 for PI 99 into FPDU CONNECT >

16/09/29 10:44:00 CFTY12I CTX=260b81 PROT=PROTSSL0 SSL=SSLPRTS0 Closing server SSL session

The send in the direction server - client, works, but the other way it doesn't.


Use PESIT E. Modify the protocol definition in PROF='ANY'.


While when PROF=CFT, PI length are strictly controlled in regards of the older PeSIT implementation.

When the PROF is set to ANY (PeSIT E but also automatic adjustment when server) it always manage Pi details for the PeSIT E when requester, and it is not compatible with a server set to PROF=CFT.