KB Article #176220

Transfers in error 302 TIMEOUT when a Glassfish session is opened


--Error 302 TIMEOUT in LOOP when a Glassfish session is opened

--If Glassfish is stopped, transfers are working properly.

--If Glassfish is started, transfers fails in 302 TIMEOUT.

--If CFT is stopped, Glassfish is started and then we start CFT there are no error messages and CFT starts properly.


--Check if the machine hosting CFT has not a capping at the amount of RAM and add memory accordingly.

*In such a case, CFT (or other processes) may suffer of swapping and get late in regards of timeout.

When possible, set Transfer CFT as a non swappable task.

In the reported case, the DISCTC timer is exhausted before we got the network answer. It may be due to CFT swapping or other system process affected.