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KB Article #176375

null pointer Exception while accesing TnT UI configured with "LDAP server with references"


Issue while configuring the TNT/Sentinel with the LDAP server with references, while doing so getting Null pointer exception causing the LDAP authentication to fail on TnT UI.


The function "results.hasMore()" is throwing a Null pointer exception and causing the LDAP authentication to fail.
In code we have the below code:-

SearchResult result =;
if (results.hasMore()) {

replacing and recompiling it by:-

SearchResult result =;
if (results.hasMoreElements()) {

resolved the issue.

The package that includes this class is tnt-sentinel-1.0.0-1.jar and the location for this package is <install dir>\Tools\apache-tomcat\webapps\trackntraceserver\WEB-INF\resources\SentinelUserExit.

Note:- In most of the situations default code should work fine, this covers one exception when LDAP is configured with references.