KB Article #176512

Admin Account user reset/ unlock


Not able to login to Interchange Admin UI.
Gets message 'Account locked/ disabled' when trying to login.


When using the Derby Database (Default Axway Internal DB), follow these steps.

1. Stop Interchange/ Activator.

2. Open a command prompt

3. Navigate to the /tools directory in Interchange

4. Type ''dataMover ui'' and click ''Enter''

5. The DataMover user interface should then display

6. Check the box next to ''Use CI Database Configuration''

7. Enter the password ''sql'' (This is the default DB credential. If you have changed the DB credentials, you will need to use the new credentials instead of the default)

8. Enter a working directory - (ex. C:\temp)

9. Click the ''View Schema'' tab

10. Click the ''View Schema'' button (Be patient, it will take a while for the schema to be parsed)

11. Now, enter ''select * from lockedoutusers

12. Note the OID number

13. Enter ''delete from lockedoutusers where OID=''(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

14. Enter ''select * from authenticationattempts''

15. Note the OID number

16. Enter ''delete from authenticationattempts where OID="(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

17. Enter ''select * from sso_users''

18. Note the OID number

19. Enter ''delete from sso_users where OID="(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

20. Start the application, wait a few minutes for the accounts to be created, and login with the default username and password (Admin and Secret1).


When using any external DB like Oracle, MS SQL or mySql, please follow the instructions below to unlock/ reset the admin user.

1. Stop Interchange/ Activator.

2. Go to start Menu Axway> Interchange/ Activator > DB configuration and note down the configuration.

3. Using this configuration, log onto the DB using a SQL client tool like SQL developer, SQL Workbench, Heidi SQL, etc.

4. Now, enter ''select * from lockedoutusers

5. Note the OID number

6. Enter ''delete from lockedoutusers where OID=''(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

7. Enter ''select * from authenticationattempts''

8. Note the OID number

9. Enter ''delete from authenticationattempts where OID="(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

10. Enter ''select * from sso_users''

11. Note the OID number

12. Enter ''delete from sso_users where OID="(Replace OID with the OID number from the previous step)" "

13. Start the application, wait a few minutes for the accounts to be created, and login with the default username and password (Admin and Secret1).