KB Article #176801

recv file=all with option rcvaller=continue is not working


recv file=all with option rcvaller=continue is not working

Processing a RECV FILE=ALL parameter to collect files while handling errors detected.


RCVALLER is only when transfer fails in error 610 ASE 205 on receiver side.
When transfer in server is in error 110,  because the file doesn't exists (like if in hold status without the physical file available)

     RCVALLER = STOP (default): current processing remains unchanged
     - RECV PART=part,IDF=*,FILE=ALL: the transfers are stopped if a file
       does not exist on the server
     - RECV part=dest,IDF=*,FILE=ALL: the first file available for each
       CFTDEST partner is transferred

     RCVALLER = CONTINUE: functional enhancement
     - RECV PART=part,IDF=*,FILE=ALL: if a file does not exist on the server,
       the invalid IDF is retrieved on the requester side and the other
       pending files are received
     - RECV part=dest,IDF=*,FILE=ALL: a generic entry is added for each
       partner in the CFTDEST list and then each partner is processed, using
       the RECV FILE=ALL mechanism