KB Article #177409

IPC tuning parameters for CFT multi-nodes or multi-instances


How to tune IPC parameters for CFT multi-nodes or multi-instances ?


* IPC resources used per CFT Instance in legacy mode or per CFT Node in multi-nodes mode:

2 shared memory sections:

- 3472615 bytes

- 33554432 bytes

2 sets of semaphores:

- 1 set of 4 semaphores

- 1 set of 1 semaphore

1 message queue per CFTxxx daemon processus

* IPC tuning parameters to consider:

msgmax Maximum System V IPC message size in bytes.

msgmnb Maximum number of bytes on a single System V IPC message queue.

msgmni Maximum number of permitted system-wide System V IPC message queues (IDs) allowed.

shmall System-wide limits on the total number of pages of System V IPC shared memory.

shmmax Maximum size for a System V shared memory segment.

shmmni Number of System V shared memory segment identifiers in the system.

shmseg Maximum number of System V shared memory segments per process.

semmsl Maximum number of System V IPC semaphores per identifier.

semmns Number of System V IPC system-wide semaphores

semopm Maximum number of semaphore operations that can be performed per semop()

semmni Maximum number of System V IPC system-wide semaphore identifiers

* IPC tuning default settings based on RedHat Entreprise Linux 5 documentation (example):

msgmax: 8192 bytes

msgmnb: 16384 bytes

msgmni: 16 identifiers

shmall: 20971524Kb pages

shmmax: 33554432 bytes

shmmni: 4096 identifiers

shmseg: 10 mapped segments per process

semmsl: 250 semaphores per set

semmns: 32000 semaphores

semopm: 100 semaphores operations per semop(2)

semmni: 128 identifiers

* A typical CFT configuration runs about 20 simultaneous CFT daemons. This number can be significantly larger as it depends on the actual CFT configurations.

* The value 20 is used in following example of IPC settings for 12 CFT instances.

1) CFT's needs:

Message queues:

- msgmni must fit the 12*20 = 240 messages for the corresponding 240 CFTxxx daemons.

- msgmax=8192

- msgmnb=16384 are suitable but larger values will not harm.

Shared memory:

- shmmni must fit the 12*2 = 24 shared memory sections needed by the 12 CFT instances. shmmni >= 24

- shmmax must be >= 33554432

the default values documented by RedHat 5 are suitable, i.e:

* shmall -> about 2Gb

* shmmax -> about 32Mb

* shmmni -> 4096

* shmseg -> 10


The 12 CFT instances will use 12*2 = 24 semaphores sets for a total of 12*(4+1) = 60 semaphones.

The default RedHat 5 value should fit, unless some other applications are using a large number of semaphores on the same machine.

2) Parameters to check or to change

msgmax >= 8192

msgmnb >= 2*msgmax

msgmni >= (value without the 12 CFTs) + 240

shmall default of 2097152 is ok

shmmax default of 33554432 is ok

shmmni >= (value without the 12 CFTs) + 24

shmseg default of 10 should be ok

semmni >= (value without the 12 CFTs) + 24

3) Rule of thumb:

If no subsystems other than CFTs are using a lot of system V IPC on the machines, the only parameters that have to be checked or changed are the number of identifiers for each class of PC objects and especially msgmni.

For 12 CFT instances:

- msgmni is significantly larger than 240 --> at least 500.

- shmmni is significantly larger than 24 --> at least 100.

- semmni is significantly larger than 24 --> at least 100.