KB Article #179259

Freeing Disk Space From Updates to Transfer CFT


Reclaiming disk space after applying many Service Packs and Updates to Transfer CFT


Since Customer can not delete theses directories manually. The backups can be managed/removed by using the purge command using the following procedure:

Step 1 - Go to the Transfer CFT Installation Directory
Step 2 - Invoke the purge.sh or purge64.bat script

*"./purge.sh -k 1" will keep only the last backup. It means that user will be able to remove the current patch or SP.
*"./purge.sh -k 0" means all backups will be removed. It means that the user won't be able to remove the current patch or SP.

purge command help
Number of updates kept has not been specified.

Axway purge tool - Use this tool to purge backups of your installed updates (regular or composite).

Usage: purge [-h | --help] | [-k | --keep] [number]

[-h | --help]: Display the command help.

<Action> is one of the following:
[-k | --keep] [number]: specify the number of updates that
should be kept
[-p | --pretend]: only preview the actions to be done

<Options> are:
[-d | --debug]: Generate debug information to the log file.

[-Xms] <size><unit>: Set JVM initial heap size. <size> must be
an integer and <unit> can be one of the following: m, M, g or G.
For example: -Xms 138M.

[-Xmx] <size><unit>: Set JVM maximum heap size. <size> must be
an integer and <unit> can be one of the following: m, M, g or G.
For example: -Xmx 138M.