KB Article #178715

Installing Multiple Axway Products on same system using Axway Installer


When installing Axway products, such as CFT or Sentinel Event Router using the INSTALLER, it suggests the "root folder" to be C:\Axway by default. While this is OK for a single product, it pauses issue when multiple (different) products are installed on a same system. For example, CFT 3.2.4 uses Installer 4.10.0 while Event Router uses 4.5.0. When the CFT is first installed, the Installer 4.1.0 is placed on the system and continue to install the CFT. After the installation of CFT, if the customer installs Event Router which uses Installer 4.5.0, sees the previous installation of the CFT in C:\Axway folder, but it also suggests to install Event Router in same folder structure.

This completely overrides the installer of the CFT.
If you issue "DISPLAY" command, it will only report Installer (4.5.0) and Event Router only.

Though both products continue to run without any issue, the problem will be encountered when maintenance is needed to be installed on the CFT. Because CFT 3.2.4 expects installer 4.10.0, installer error will prevent the update of the CFT product on that system. (Must replace the installer, etc.)
(But if you do this, then the Installer version no longer matches the Event Router, so if there is a need ER update, similar issue will be seen.)


Customer should NOT use same folder (such as c:\axway) when installing multiple (different) products, to keep the INSTALLER separated.