KB Article #181243

"Current Logical Name is already Taken" during secondly node of multi-node installation


During the re-try of installation of the second node for Multi-node CFT, getting the message:

"Current Logical Name is already Taken"


The issue is caused by some installation parameters/information cached in the installation "work area" used by the Axway Installer.
(Newer version of CFT 3.4+ uses different installation program, so this issue should not be seen.)

To correct this issue, follow the process:

1) Uninstall both First and Second Nodes.

2) Make sure there are no hidden files/folders in the Shared folder. (Share folder may be deleted and recreated).

3) Clean/delete the local folders... (Make sure the ID used to install have "create" right for folder.)

4) Do not reuse the installation files/folders. Freshly unzip the installation package to local drive.
(Installer stores some installation info, such as properties files, in folder inside of installation folders.)

5) Clear any file/folder in /tmp folder, such as "AXWAY..." folders. Also some files created by the ID which is being used by the installation process.

6) Delete any file/folder in the installer's $HOME, i.g. .synchronycomponents, .syntemp