KB Article #177635

Unattended installation of just the nodemanager component installs no software


When installing API Gateway with only the 'nodemanager' as an enabled-component, then nothing is installed. This would be a valid install option for a host where an admin nodemanager is wanted with no API Gateways.

The following command is launched from the install script:

#./APIGateway_7.4.x_Install_linux-x86-64_BNyyyymmddn.run --mode unattended --setup_type advanced --enable-components nodemanager --disable-components apigateway,apimgmt,policystudio,configurationstudio,apitester,qstart,analytics --prefix /opt/Axway/

After installation:
# ls /opt/Axway


Add the apigateway to the list of enable-components (the nodemanager requires full apigateway software). e.g.
#./APIGateway_7.4.x_Install_linux-x86-64_BNyyyymmddn.run --mode unattended --setup_type advanced --enable-components nodemanager,apigateway --disable-components apimgmt,policystudio,configurationstudio,apitester,qstart,analytics --prefix /opt/Axway/

Note that this issue does not occur when using interactive modes i.e. with mode value text, xwindow or gtk