KB Article #177840
Increase timeout for deployment
-- Deployment fails after a long time and leaves an error like the following in the deployment log:
com.vordel.api.nm.NodeManagerAPIException: Node Manager error: error occurred on call from Node Manager on '<admin_nodemanager_host>' to '<nodemanager_host>' for URL '/api/configuration' and 'PUT'. HTTP status: 500. Error code: 102.
Usually, when a timeout occurs when deploying, it is better to check what take some times during the deployment. It could be some connection to a badly configured database or JMS service as example. Solving those configuration issue is the first step.
If configuration is good and if the timeout occurs mainly because of the size of the FED file, increasing the timeout is a solution. To do this, edit the admin node manager configuration:
- Shut down the ANM and in Policy Studio, open the file configs.xml located in {install dir}/apigateway/conf/fed/ Note that this may require copying the directory to a machine that has Policy Studio, then copying the files back after editing. Note that Policy Studio for 7.5 and later versions saves edited configurations to your apiprojects directory.
- In Server Settings > General, increase value of the Transaction Timeout as well as the Active Timeout. The value is in milliseconds. Restart the ANM after editing the files in /apigateway/conf/fed/