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KB Article #177855

Where is the "response policy on the REST API method"?


The Policy Developer Guide has example Stock Quote service instructions that tell you this:

Set the response policy on the REST API method

Finally, edit the REST API method GetStockQuote and set this policy as the response processing policy.

But this setting does not exist in 7.4. The REST API Method has a routing policy, but there's nothing called a “response processing policy.”


That setting used to exist in 7.3, but was removed in 7.4 due to other architectural changes and the documentation for that sample is wrong. The Web Service Filter (Service Handler for 'StockQuote') is designed to handle the SOAP payload, so we need to create a SOAP payload before calling it.

Thus, to complete the StockQuote sample, we have to change the HTTP verb to POST, frame the soap request with content type application/xml and set the HTTP header soapAction before calling the Service Handler in the policy we call from the REST routing option.