KB Article #178411

After upgrade to 5.2.1 SP7 SSH SIT pulls might start failing with "No files matching the pattern found on the remote server"


After upgrade to ST 5.2.1 SP7, the SSH SIT pulls might stop working. The TM reports messages of the type

No files matching the "*.*" pattern found on the remote server

even though there are files to be pulled.


ST 5.2.1 SP7 requires the download.pattern.type attribute to be present in the database for the SSH transfer sites. In ST 5.2.1 SP4 the SSH transfer sites would still work even with the attribute missing, which is why the issue appears once SP7 is installed.

To resolve the issue with the missing attribute and failing SSH transfers, follow the steps below:

1. Open an SSH Transfer Site in the Admin UI and simply save it. Do this for all affected SSH Transfer Sites.

2. Once done, you can use the below MySQL query to check if there are still Sites with missing attribute:

2.1 Connect to the MySQL database as described in the respective KB: for Linux/UNIX refer to KB 178322; for Windows refer to KB 178144

2.2. Run the below MySQL query to check if you have affected SSH transfer sites:

SELECT Account.name AccountName, Site.name TransferSite 
FROM CustomProperties, Account, Site 
WHERE CustomProperties.name = 'download.pattern' 
    AND CustomProperties.value IS NOT NULL 
    AND CustomProperties.customAttributesId NOT IN (SELECT customAttributesId FROM CustomProperties WHERE CustomProperties.name = 'download.pattern.type') 
    AND Site.accountId = Account.id 
    AND Site.customAttributesId = CustomProperties.customAttributesId 
    AND Site.protocol='ssh';

2.3 If there are still Sites with missing attribute, use the below MySQL query to update them:

INSERT INTO customproperties (customAttributesId, value, name)
    SELECT CustomProperties.customAttributesId, 'glob', 'download.pattern.type' FROM CustomProperties, Site 
        WHERE CustomProperties.name = 'download.pattern' 
            AND CustomProperties.value IS NOT NULL
            AND CustomProperties.customAttributesId NOT IN (SELECT customAttributesId FROM CustomProperties WHERE CustomProperties.name = 'download.pattern.type') 
            AND Site.customAttributesId = CustomProperties.customAttributesId 
            AND Site.protocol='ssh';