KB Article #178469

Use non default certificates for Composer to communicate over HTTPS


How to setup non default certificates for Composer to communicate over HTTPS?


Here are the sample steps you can follow to use non-default certificate to HTTPS communication in Composer.

1) Get certificate in p12 format (this includes certificate and private key)
2) Import certificate in IE (make sure to check the private key exportable).
3) Exported it as pfx file including private key and all certificates in certification path from IE.
4) Export without private key as well with cer extension

Executed the following commands on composer side
5) ./keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore axway.pfx -srcstoretype pkcs12 -destkeystore newkeystore.jks -deststoretype JKS (where axway.pfx is the one exported in step 3)
6) ./keytool -import -alias testtruststore -file axway_public.cer -keystore new_truststore.jks (where axway_public.cer is the one exported in step 4)

Below are the modifications that needs to be made in the composer.properties to change the keystore.

# Infrastructure SSL keystore and truststore
server.infrastructure.keystore.path=/home/Axway/<path to new keystore>/newkeystore.jks

server.infrastructure.truststore.path=/home/Axway/<path to new truststore>/new_truststore.jks