KB Article #178699

AM configuration: how to move from FILE to SYSTEM


switch from AM FILE to AM SYSTEM (RACF), for am.internal.group_database

After having tested the Internal AM with a file,we want to move it to RACF


Moving from file to system is quite straightforward:

The Copilot STC userid must be granted to all listed Facility in the documentation,.

Details are available in 'Using system as the internal access management'

The reference job is (H81$AMIN) from the installation library.

Also, the job (PRXGROUP) List connected groups to a user, it can be useful for the customer to experiment with existing group.

Note: we do not provide sample to create a group in RACF or connect a user to a group, it is where the RACF administrator is needed.

If needed, operations for the Internal AM can be traced using a SGTRACE 128.