KB Article #176827

using RACF ring for SSL transfers, authentication fails in error


Several error messages including the one below:

CFTY17I CTX=20002e PKISZOS(865) RSA_SIGN CSNDDSG RC/RS(128 16) Config error, dummy function used


It appears to be related to some missing steps at installation time.
Most probably, the installation what not done with a RACF RING in mind.....

Verify and update the following steps:

update the member of the install library (A03PARM)

xpkiopt  'YES'                    Exit PKI used (YES or NO)

csflib   'CSF.SCSFMOD0'           Mandatory if XPKIOPT = YES

Then, update member (CFTENV)

//* security options            


//      SET XPKIOPT=YES         

Those values are taken into account at link time, so, launch again the B20LINK job.

Since 2.7.x the message with 'Config error, dummy function used' is printed in the log when the mandatory dataset and options are not set and attempt is made to use the system pki.