KB Article #176826

SSL connection in error, even in loop, when with RACF/RING certificates (pki.type=system)


many errors,  including the one below:

CFTY17I CTX=210004 RSA_DECRYPT(946) CSNDPKD-RC/RS(128 16) Config error, dummy function used


CFT was probably not installed with the use of system PKI in mind.

Verify and change following point:

Update in install library, member  (A03PARM)

xpkiopt  'YES'                    Exit PKI used (YES or NO)

csflib   'CSF.SCSFMOD0'           Mandatory if XPKIOPT = YES

Update in install library, member (CFTENV)

//* security options            


//      SET XPKIOPT=YES         

Then, the link of CFT modules will select the right options.
You then need to apply again your SP level or take the opportunity to apply the latest SP available for that version.

Attention, those installation options are taken into account during the link operation