KB Article #178725
Error while transferring file from Interpel to CFT - CFTH24E Invalid CREATE FPDU
Error in CFT logs:
CFTH24E Invalid CREATE FPDU <PART=MyPart Record size = 10000 greater than Pacing>
CFTT82E transfer aborted <IDTU=00000000 PART=MyPart 220 CRE 220>
Error on Interpel:
Connection abort indication: reason="160, Connection ABORT" /prot.diag="220, Record longer than expected" / error=0
Trying to transfer a file with record length of 10 000.
The create is refused on the Transfer CFT side because it cannot accept a transfer when the negotiated check point restart parameters (here, the pacing) is lower than the record length of the file.
The partner MyPart is using a protocol PACING value higher than the file record length.
Because check-point restart parameters are negotiated in between the PeSIT monitors, the remote partner must also have a pacing value higher than the maximum file record length.
In the reported issue, the sender is Transfer Interpel, in the remote site, check the value of parameter "data_windows".
Because the create is refused, we do not have a catalog entry to verify the negotiated values but transferring a file with smaller records length will allow to check the negotiated values from a 'listcat debug' (looking the output for 'Synchronization interval PACING')